30 de enero de 2017

Trucos de Ubuntu: instalando w7 en un pen

  1. Creando imagen iso desde dvd --> dd if=/dev/sr0 | pv | dd of=w7.iso
  2. Instalar 
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mkusb/ppa # and press Enter to accept it 
  • sudo apt-get update 
  • sudo apt-get install mkusb 
  • sudo apt-get install mkusb-nox
  •  sudo apt-get install usb-pack-efi # if you want to make a persistent live drive 
  1. Ejecutar desde root mkusb
  2. Seguir instrucciones comando "d"
Sin embargo, tras intentarlo, el sistema no es capaz de arrancar. Dar errores de "grub rescue" (verlo más adelante)

= = = 

Lo que ha funcionado (Ubuntu 16.04) es la solución de: https://onetransistor.blogspot.com.es/2016/04/install-winusb-on-ubuntu-1604-lts.html
  1. Bajarse el fichero winusb
  2. Copiar lo siguiente en un script con extensión sh en la misma carpeta donde nos hemos bajado el fichero anterior
    • #!/bin/bash
      sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential libwxbase3.0-dev libwxgtk3.0-dev
      tar zxf winusb-1.0.11.tar.gz
      cd winusb-1.0.11/src
      sed -i -- 's#wxStandardPaths().GetInstallPrefix()#wxStandardPaths::Get().GetInstallPrefix()#g' findFile.cpp
      sed -i -- 's#wxStandardPaths().GetDataDir()#wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDataDir()#g' findFile.cpp
      cd ..
      sudo make install
      cd ..
      rm -rf winusb-1.0.11
  3. Dejo el resto del artículo:
Save this into a text file with .sh extension, make it executable and run it in the same folder with the source archive you downloaded. It will install required build libraries and tools the compile the source.
Some things have changed with wxWidgets 3.0 and objects of class wxStandardPaths cannot be created anymore. Instead, a global wxStandardPaths object can be returned via wxStandardPaths::Get() call. Therefore all occurrences of wxStandardPaths(). must be replaced with wxStandardPaths::Get(). and this is what the script does using sed.
After you run this script, WinUSB will be installed and it should pop-up when you launch it. In order to make it work on UEFI systems, you have to:
a) install MBR dependencies for GRUB: sudo apt-get install grub-pc-bin
b) fix the GRUB installation method - open /usr/bin/winusb with a text editor with administrator rights (i.e. gksu gedit /usr/local/bin/winusb), find a line that starts with grub-install (line 401) and replace it with:
grub-install --target=i386-pc --boot-directory="$partitionMountPath/boot" "$device"
This is also described at the end of the previous article about installing WinUSB in Ubuntu 15.10.

= = =

La ejecución de winusb es de la forma:

winusb --install  /home/usuario/Documentos/w7.iso  /dev/sdb1